December 7, 2015 marks a huge step for the American Academy of Pediatrics with new guidelines regarding welll visits. I was able to spread the word in Colorado during an interview on Denver 7 news at 10. These guidellines recommend cholesterol screening on ALL children between ages 9-11 years old, HIV screening for adolescents between 16-18 years old, depression screening for 11-21 year olds to name a few.
This huge leap underscores the importance of prevention as the cornerstone of healthcare, pediatrics in particular. As pediatricians, we get a little protective over these children, and if there is one more risk we can check off, we would gladly jump on board.
You may also want to check out the video in the link below. Boy, the TV does add 10 pounds! 🙂

#AAPGuidelines #Cholesterol #screening #HIVScreening #depression #ABCDenver7News #LanceLazatin