Brittany Zapata
Patient Care Coordinator
Brittany‘s Work Experience
Before working at LYNK Pediatrics, I worked at a veterinary facility for two years as a technician and office manager. Working there helped me gain the knowledge of excellent communication skills, interpersonal skills, and clerical skills thus helping me be able to be a good employee at LYNK Pediatrics and providing care to patients.
Why I love What I do
I Love working at LYNK Pediatrics because I can connect and help families.

My Hobbies
When I am not at work, I try to spend most of my time taking long walks or going on mini adventures around Colorado with my two dogs, Bubba & Ginger.
My Fondest Childhood Memory
A fond childhood memory would be going on a road trip to California with my mother and two sisters.
What Makes Me Smile
Something that makes me smile would be the first sip of coffee in the morning.